Communication in Palliative Care Webinar Series – Session 3 – Specific Palliative Care Scenarios
This series is now fully booked to attend the live session but you can still book to access the recording only.
Introducing… The Communication in Palliative Care Webinar Series
Organised by the APM Juniors’ Committee
This series will be in 3 parts and you can book for 1, 2 or all 3 sessions.
This series has been CPD approved for 1 credit per session
This event is FREE to attend.
Ticket holders will be sent the recording after the session. Please book your place to ensure you are on the mailing list for the joining link and the recording.
Session 1 – Introducing Dying
Dr Kathryn Mannix
Wednesday 17 April at 19:00-20:30
In this session we will discuss how to
1. have conversations about natural dying with patients, families and colleagues
2. help emotionally vulnerable and stressed individuals, provide bereavement support and how cultural views impact these views
3. determine prognosis and have conversations surrounding this
Session 2 – Skills Workshop in Advance Care Planning Communication
Dr Chris Farnham
Wednesday 1 May at 19:00-20:30
This session will be an interactive workshop focusing on the practical skills required for having conversations with patients regarding advance care planning – utilizing Dr Farnham’s previous experience working with drama schools to improve communication and focusing on:
1. the rationale of having ceilings of care, how to decide what is appropriate for the patient, and how to have conversations about this with patients – ranging from conversations about DNA-R, ITU escalation, and whether to treat reversible conditions
2. how the way we communicate can impact the message that is delivered
3. ways to improve vocal and body language communication.
Session 3 – Specific Palliative Care Scenarios
Wednesday 15 May at 19:00-20:30
Dr Maddy Turley
In this session we will discuss specific scenarios that junior doctors will commonly experience on the wards requiring clear palliative care communication skills.
The joining link will be emailed to you via the email you have provided the day before the event takes place. Please remember to check your Junk Mail folders in case the invite has fallen in there. To avoid our emails falling into junk folders please make sure your IT department ‘safelist’ the following email addresses kate@munrosmith.co.uk | becki@munrosmith.co.uk It has been noted that some email accounts are viewable in plain text only. With this in mind, we will provide the meeting ID and passcode to your joining instructions to avoid any issues with broken links.