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Education Resources

Education Resources

Here, you can access a range of information and resources pertaining to Palliative Medicine. Follow the links below to find out more.

Abe Guz

“Coming Soon”

Foundation & Middle Grade Doctors (formerly Junior Doctor)

Palliative Care for FY1s

Postgraduate Medical Education

SAS & Hospice Doctors

Undergraduate Medical Education

Recommended Reading

SCE Resources

The Palliative Medicine Speciality Certificate Examination (SCE) is the examination taken towards the end of speciality training, often in the penultimate year. Trainees must pass this in order to be eligible for the Certificate of Training (CCT).

The exam is held every 9 months and consists of 200 multiple-choice questions based on the Speciality Training Curriculum for Palliative Medicine, published by the Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board (JRCPTB). The exam lasts six hours, with a break for lunch, taking place at a selection of invigilated VUE test centres across the UK and internationally.

The APM is offering a full discount on purchases made after October 2021 on the PallMedpro SCE revision flashcards for APM members taking the SCE. The flashcards are an excellent palliative care resource for medical students as they are an unofficial interactive reference resource from Pallmedpro available on your phone, tablet or laptop. There are over 500 flashcards in 14 categories relevant to the exam, including but not limited to:

Management of Emergencies
Cochrane Reviews
BTS and other UK Guidelines
Aspects of the Law

They’re illustrated and contain learning quizzes, plus a mock exam to help test your knowledge. You’ll need an app called Flashcard Hero (available on Windows, MacOS, iPAD OS and iOS) to use the resource. The usual cost is £30, and we will be able to reimburse the full amount, leaving you liable only for the £2.99 cost of the Flashcard Hero app.

How to claim your reimbursement

This is an APM member benefit. After purchasing the flashcards through the PallMedPro Website and registering for the SCE examination, APM members should:

  • Download and complete the APM flashcard expense claim form
  • Send the completed form with your receipt and evidence of SCE registration to or via post to the Association for Palliative Medicine, 8 Barnes Wallis Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO15 5TU.
  • Once the claim has been approved, you will be reimbursed for the cost of the flashcards. Please note: approval of expenses can take up to 5 working days.

CESR Application

Frequently asked questions

Preparing for ARCP

Further Information

For tips and support on becoming a new consultant, please view our helpful guide.

Click Here

External Learning Resources

There are numerous other organisations that offer excellent palliative care resources for nurses, doctors and students. A great place to start is with the BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care Journal or with the Palliative Medicine Journal. Alternatively, you can find more resources below.

Numerous resources are available for those looking to pursue a career in palliative medicine across the British Isles and internationally, too.

APM Education Hub

Educational Resources

Visit the APM Education Hub for more Resources

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