2022 BritMODIS
The BGS Movement Disorders SIG, Association of Palliative Medicine, and Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist Association (PDNSA) are pleased to announce details for the forthcoming British Movement Disorders (BritMODIS) conference for Neurologists, Geriatricians, Therapists and PD Nurse Specialists. The meeting highlights current clinical practice and provides a platform to present research outcomes and showcase successful service delivery.
The meeting will provide a forum for education in movement disorders in older people and have a focus on end of life care.
This event is organised for healthcare professionals working in the field of movement disorders, jointly organised by the British Geriatrics Society Movement Disorders SIG, the Association of Palliative Medicine, and Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist Association. The day provides a forum for scientific discussion and clinical updates and enables a multidisciplinary audience of healthcare professionals to share their experiences of best clinical practice.
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