The ‘Race’ Equity Committee (REC)


The REC was set up in 2020. There is currently 5 members on the committee with the capacity for 8. The 5 members include 2 palliative medicine consultants, 1 SAS doctor and 2 trainees, supported by members of the APM board.


The APM REC is an advisory committee to the APM Board formed in 2020, in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd and increasing exposure of health inequities made apparent through the COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee advises the Board and supports the work of the APM on / by:


  1. Raising the profile on the need for collaborative and proactive work on anti-racism in palliative medicine
  2. Supporting the APM to ensure true inclusivity for patients and staff of all ethnicities and racialised minorities
  3. Supporting development of safe spaces for staff of all ethnicities and racialised minorities working in palliative care to come to together
  4. Through ongoing work supporting development of racially and culturally safe environments for palliative care patients and staff


Current activities:

  1. Analysing data from the first staff survey of experiences of racism in palliative care settings
  2. Establishment and delivery of Hospice UK ECHO for ethnic minority staff working in palliative care (in any role)
  3. Working with the APM Board and APM committees to ensure the needs of ethnic minority staff are considered through all work

Dr Jamilla Hussain

Committee Chair

Dr Qamar Abbas

Committee Member

Dr Jasmine Lee

Committee Member

Dr Karon Ornadel

Committee Member

Dr Bhanjeek Grewal

Committee Member